5 Ways to Manage Back Pain

Back pain can become a serious problem that prevents you from doing your day to day activities the way you used to. In the long term, it can have a negative effect on your overall health and influence your performance. Fortunately, there are a few things you can try that can help you get rid of the pain for good.

Get Hag Ergonomic Chairs

Get Hag Ergonomic Chairs
source: ergonomio.com

Maybe you’ve never heard about the hag capisco puls chair, but it’s never too late for new discoveries. Especially, ones that can help you with the back pain you’re feeling. Hag capisco puls chair is in fact a saddle chair. An improved version of the saddle chair that is. And those are considered to be the best ergonomic chairs one can get to battle back pain and bad posture. The hag ergonomic chair is designed according to the needs of the regular human. It offers support in all the right places and prevents strain, fatigue and pain from appearing.

One of the greatest features the hag chair has is adjustability. You can customize the height, length of the seat and tilt the back support so that at the end you feel as comfortable sitting in the chair as possible. Hag chairs are great both for working at the office and at home. They have a sleek and simple design that can blend in anywhere. This ergonomic chair also allows for what is known as active sitting (the possibility of the person sitting to actively move while doing so). After all, 8 hours of constantly sitting in the same position can’t go without repercussions and active sitting helps minimize the negative effects caused by sitting for long periods of time.  

Active sitting can help you improve your posture and circulation and with that, the pain and discomforts will slowly begin to fade. Ergonomic chairs minimize the overall pressure the human body endures during sitting therefore serious consequences on the health are avoided. You’d be surprised how big of a difference an ergonomic chair can make. Despite feeling no pain at all you’ll be more motivated to work and more productive as well. So, you have more than one reason to make a change right away.

Start Wearing a Back Brace

Back Brace
source: spineuniverse.com

The second option is back braces. Using a back brace is recommended for people that feel both mild and intense back pain. Depending on the situation with your back you can pick a flexible or a rigid brace. In both cases, the brace offers additional support to the spine and back muscles, alleviates the pain and allows you to function normally again.

Back braces have a special design, are made from stretchy and flexible materials and are thin enough to be worn under the clothes. You can wear the brace while you’re at home, in the office and even while you’re taking a walk or running errands.

For best results, you should consult a professional about how often to wear the brace and for how long at a time. Overusing the back brace can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy (loss of muscle tissue). After wearing it for some time you should take a break and rely on something else to relieve the back pain if it persists.

Start Exercising Regularly

source: pinterest.com

Yes, regular physical activity can help with back pain too. There are certain exercises that affect the back muscles as well as the core muscles, strengthen the lower back and with that, you get an improved posture and you’ll experience less pressure that ultimately causes pain. You can try meditation and yoga as well as low-intensity aerobics and stretching exercises. You need to be careful especially with the intensity of the exercises you do because you may end up only worsening the situation with your back.

The best exercises that relieve back pain are: bridge (affects the gluteus maximus), knee-to-chest stretches (affect the lower back muscles), rotational stretches (relieve tension), lateral leg lifts (reduce strain), cat stretches (make the back muscles stronger), supermans (stretch the muscles), seated rotational stretches (work the core muscles).   

The best thing you can do if you’re not sure which exercises will work best for you is to consult a therapist. The therapist can guide you and monitor your progress. With time you’ll learn what works for you best and you can practice that whenever you feel like your back is aching or your muscles are tense.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

source: post.healthline.com

Since back pain is directly correlated with the pressure put on the spine and muscles, maintaining a healthy weight is the best thing you can do to prevent additional pressure from causing you back problems. Although back pain can happen to anyone, people that are obese are more at risk. Think of the extra weight as an additional weight that you carry around all the time. That can’t be good for your back.

You should watch out for your dietary regimen and start walking or cycling on a daily basis. Despite helping you keep your weight under control, cycling can help further strengthen your muscles which are highly recommended to people that are prone to suffering from back pain.

A healthy diet combined with some physical activity of your choosing will get you one step closer to living a life free of pain. Sometimes even the smallest changes can make a big difference.  

Try Back Massage

Young woman enjoying therapeutic neck massage in spa center, closeup
source: shopify.com

Back massage helps with back pain as well. And hey, wouldn’t you want to just relax every now and then under the skilled hands of a masseuse? Especially now that you know it can help with the back pain you’re feeling. Note that massage therapies are not a long term solution. But even so, they can help you feel relief even if it’s just for a while. For best results, you need to make a combination of remedies.

A massage relaxes the muscles, improves circulation, relieves pain and eases stress. After a massage, you’ll be able to sleep better and you won’t feel even the slightest bit of the pain and tightness you felt before.

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