The Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Shower Screens

The shower screen is precisely the thing that can make your bathroom more functional and aesthetically pleasing. No more walking onto wet tiles and having a bathroom that looks dull. You have plenty of different types of bathroom screens to choose from and give your bathroom the transformation it deserves.

Frameless Shower Screen that’s both Sleek and Practical

What is a frameless shower screen? Are frameless shower screens good? Frameless shower screens are made from glass panels and doors and their primary role is to keep the water from getting all over your bathroom and making everything wet when you shower. Frameless shower screens have no frames (as the name suggests) and they are a great addition to every bathroom because they instantly make the bathroom look stylish and modern. Frameless bath shower screens contribute to the bathroom aesthetic. They look simple and very pleasing. And no, they aren’t good. Frameless shower screens are great.

Regardless of how big or small your bathroom is or how bright or dark it is, you won’t make a bad choice if you buy bath screen shower without frames. Frameless bath screens are ideal for all types of bathrooms and they instantly improve the appearance of the room. They improve the functionality and the aesthetic at the same time. Frameless bath screens are constructed from 10mm tough glass and rack/hinges made of zinc alloy. With good care, they can last for a very long time.

When it comes to maintenance, you won’t have to invest a lot of time into cleaning your screen and making it look spotless. Glass screens are very easy to clean and that’s one of the reasons why people want to buy bath screen showers for their bathrooms in the first place. Unlike bathtubs that take forever to clean, you’ll only need a couple of minutes for the shower screen. And why bother with bathtubs at all, when you have stunning showers just as luxurious as tubs?   

There’s one more thing you need to know about frameless shower screens. They increase the value of your home big time. So, if say you decide to sell your house one day, its price will be much bigger simply because you decided to install a frameless shower screen in your bathroom. So, not only will you enjoy the perks of having a shower screen in your home, but you’ll also be making an investment that will pay off in the long term.

Quadrant Shower Screen for the Corner of Your Bathroom

The main reason why people go for quadrant shower screens is to save space. Unlike the regular bathroom screens, the quadrant screens are curved and take up less valuable space. Quadrant screens are still spacious enough for comfortable showering but are compact too and make the bathroom look big and roomy.  

On the other hand, quadrant screens have a much softer look. If you don’t like the sharp edges of regular screens then the curved glass panel of the quadrant screen will be perfect for you. And if you want to make your cleaning job easier choose glass that repels soap and dirt. That way your shower screen will be clean all the time and you will have to invest minimal efforts to make that happen.  

Shower Screen that has a Sliding Door


In this case, too, the available space (or the lack of it) plays a major role. Homeowners that have small bathrooms choose sliding door shower screens because they don’t require additional space and fit the aesthetic nicely. You can prevent your bathroom from looking crowded by installing a sliding door. And on top of all, a sliding door is much safer to open and close. It’s literally impossible for you to hit something with the door no matter how hard you pull it open.

Shower screens with sliding doors are the ideal upgrade for those who already have curtains in their bathrooms. There are 100 reasons why curtains are a bad idea (although they are a budget-friendly solution). They aren’t functional, they do very little to prevent water from spreading all over your bathroom floors and worst of all, bathroom curtains mould which isn’t good for your health at all.

No shower curtain = bathroom goals. So, instead of having to deal with mould problems every now and then, invest in a modern and super functional glass sliding door screen and enjoy your shower time to the fullest.

Or Traditional Shower Screen with a Pivot Door


Opposite the sliding door shower screens are the ones that have a traditional pivot door. Now, this type of shower screen is ideal for large bathrooms. Pivot doors are attached with hinges and can open in both directions which is amazing. They save you the trouble of having to face situations where you stand naked in front of the door trying to figure out if you were supposed to push or pull.

Many of the modern shower screens come with pivot doors and they are the choice of many. If you’re looking for something contemporary and luxurious, pivot door shower screens are the right choice for you.  

Fixed Panel Shower Screen

This one is the most budget-friendly option out of them all. If you’re on a tight budget but in need of a shower screen of some sort, then a fixed panel is the solution to your problem. The fixed panel has a very simple design and instead of you having to decide between diverse shower doors and figure out what will work and what won’t, you can just get a fixed panel and get it over with.

The fixed panel is as functional as all the other types of shower screens. It has a minimalistic design so if that’s what you’re into go for it. Its simplicity is precisely what makes it easy to clean and maintain as well. A fixed panel is much easier to clean than the shower screens with doors. After all, there’s only one glass panel that needs cleaning, nothing else. The fixed panel will bring elegance into your bathroom and make it look open, spacious and bright.  

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