Soft vs Hard Depilatory Wax: Which One to Choose?

Soft & Hard Wax

When it comes to getting rid of body hair, waxing is one of the most popular ways to do so. It’s convenient, quick and the results last longer than shaving because the hair is pulled out from the root.

If you are considering waxing home, you may be wondering what type of wax to use – soft or hard wax? While both are effective at removing hair from the follicle, hard wax is better for more sensitive areas like your bikini line while soft wax is a better option for larger areas, like your legs. Below you’ll find helpful information on the two types of waxes as well as the pros and cons of which to help you determine which wax is right for you.

Hard Wax

Hard depilatory wax is your best option for waxing sensitive spots (think of Brazilian wax). The reason for that is hard wax sticks to the hairs and not to the skin, which gives you a benefit in the hair removal process. By sticking only to the hair and not the skin, hard wax allows you to treat and retreat areas to make sure all of the hair is removed without damaging the skin.

Thicker than soft wax, hard wax works by hardening on your skin. Once it hardens, you can remove it with your hands – there is no need for waxing strips. According to experts, this makes the process a lot less painful. The secret is to remove the wax fast. As the hard depilatory wax doesn’t stick to your skin, it tends to cause less irritation. The high-temperature wax also makes removal quick. The ticker layer also doesn’t leave any residue and is much easier to clean. Because hard wax is used in small areas (face, underarms and bikini line), this also makes it easy to deal with.

hard wax

While hard wax is a straightforward method, it has its downsides. The thick layers require more wax than usual, which will cost you more money. And if you decide to apply it to large areas, it will be troublesome due to the less time that the wax takes to set and remove. Due to the quick setting time, the wax might become brittle, preventing you to wax properly.

Soft Wax

Unlike hard wax that only adheres to the hair, soft wax sticks to both the hair and the skin as well. This causes the outermost top layer of your skin to come off as well when the wax is pulled off. As you can imagine, this makes the process more painful than waxing with hard wax. Plus, soft wax requires a waxing strip to remove the wax and hair from your skin. This may leave your skin red and irritated afterwards. Due to the fact that both the hair follicle and the top layer of your skin is removed, retreating an area isn’t recommended, even if some hairs aren’t removed on the first try. Consider using soft wax for larger areas like legs, arms and back.

Soft Wax

Because soft wax takes more time to set than hard wax, this gives you improved spreadability. It is also more affordable than hard wax. Because it is melted at a low temperature, the risk of skin burn is rare. The main downside of soft wax is skin irritation. This wax cannot be used twice on the same area as the removal of fine hair makes the area more sensitive. The stick characteristic of the wax leads to residues, which isn’t very convenient to clean up. The clean-up process can sometimes be very time-consuming.

What is Hard and Soft Wax Made Of?

Both kinds are resin-based waxes, made of a natural resin extract from coniferous plants, mainly pine trees. Soft wax, however, is often a mix of rosin and beeswax. High premium versions offer the optimal textures and are combined with natural ingredients that help soothe and moisturize the skin. These natural ingredients include aloe vera, cocoa butter, green tea extract, chamomile and fruit extracts.

No matter which kind of wax you choose, there are some things to keep in mind in order to ensure a smooth waxing experience. One of them is getting familiar with the process. Not the same as when you shave, but the risk for in-grow hair still exist when you wax. For this reason, you may want to consider using a body lotion that contains lactic acid to help get rid of follicular plugs. Also, make sure you let the hair grow out before you wax. This will lead to less trauma to them.

When getting any part of your body waxed for the first time, make sure you do a patch test first. Arms, legs, stomach and back aren’t much sensitive, but waxing the bikini line or using waxing on your face can be tricky. If waxing these areas, make sure you do it properly. According to experts, the ideal way to wax these areas is to apply the wax in small patches and then apply loads of baby oil to soften the area.

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