Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress in Today’s Crazy World

smiling young woman on couch leans back

Stress is the biggest enemy in modern society. It’s become such a “normal” part of our lifestyles that we simply brush it off as something we have to live with for the rest of our lives. This often urges people to indulge in unhealthy coping mechanisms such as consuming alcohol, tobacco and other substances.
Stress can be a natural part of our lives. Low levels stress can motivate us to work on our tasks and get things done. However, when we’re faced with unfortunate events that we can’t control, such as job losses, a death of someone close or other painful life events, it’s difficult to stay calm and detached. Prolonged exposure to stress can have adverse side effects on our overall health. However, there are a lot of healthy ways in which you can minimize the stress that you face in your everyday life.

Use the Power of Nature

“You are what you eat” is a popular saying that I’m sure you’re familiar with. While this is more popular in the realm of fitness, you can apply it to any aspect of living. What we put inside our bodies has a big impact on our mood and well-being. A lot of medications are usually effective in treating our physical and mental conditions, but they often come as a double-edged sword. They have various artificial ingredients that can cause a plethora of harmful side effects for our health.
On the other hand, nature is an inexhaustible source of herbs that benefit our health without doing us harm. Using herbs as medicine is a practice that’s steadily increasing in popularity in recent years. They’re considered safer and inexpensive compared to conventional medicine. Essential oils are also commonly used as a natural alternative to medications. They have various health benefits, allowing you to use them as a treatment for different health problems.
Herbs and essential oils are popular in the treatment of stress. However, to choose the proper herbs and herb combinations, you will greatly benefit from a DIY recipe book.

Herbs and essential oils

What are the Benefits of DIY Books?

In today’s digitized era where the internet is overloaded with all kinds of information, it’s more difficult than ever to find what we need, especially when it comes to health matters. Herb DIY books are a well-researched and reliable source of information to help you naturally minimize the effects of stress in your daily life. They’re written by credible authors with plenty of knowledge and experience in the field. These DIY recipe books contain detailed information on different herbs, as well as clear instructions on how to prepare your remedies. They not only cover remedies for stress relief, but also solutions for headaches, digestive issues, sleeping problems etc. These remedies take the form of various hot beverages or delicious desserts.

men reading DIY book

Take Time Off Screens

In today’s world, humans and screens are inseparable. We spend countless hours daily staring at our smartphones, computers, tablets and televisions, whether it’s for work or leisure. Children are also widely affected by this modern trend. Not only do they spend a lot of screen-time for entertainment, but schools and teachers are often assigning them homework that departs from the traditional pen and paper. Screens surround us even when we’re driving in our cars – in the form of digital billboards.
Too much screen-time has harmful effects on our physical bodies and our mental health. Since we’re more familiar with the physical side effects of screens, I will talk about the ones they have on our minds. Screens cause our everyday lifestyles to revolve either around our desks, beds or sofas. A lot of people today neglect physical activity and have passive everyday lives. A study shows that physical inactivity is linked to anxiety, depression, but also to increased stress levels. On the other hand, researchers associate physical exercise with improved psychological outcomes.
Another factor that causes increased stress levels is the information that we receive through screens. The internet does a lot to educate and inform us; however, it often exposes us to bad news and information that we could be better without. If you’re binging on social media, you often see unrealistic posts about people’s lives. This easily makes people compare themselves to others, which results in bitterness and distress.
So, get yourself out of that chair and start spending more time outdoors! You’ll be surprised to see how much a daily walk in the park does for your health.

The Importance of Sleep and Relaxation

If you are constantly stressed, this can make it harder for you to fall asleep. On the other hand, lack of sleep causes even more stress. To break out of this vicious cycle, you need to implement a few rules into your daily routine:

  • Start exercising.
  • Go outside.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine close to bedtime.
  • Make a sleep schedule and stick to it.
  • Avoid electronics before bedtime.
  • Try meditation.

Another thing you can do is start implementing some relaxation techniques, such as:

  • Yoga; The best types of yoga to deal with stress are those that implement slow movement, deep breathing and stretching.
  • Meditation; Meditation offers you several benefits for your well-being: it helps you lower stress, anxiety and chronic pain, it improves your mood, energy levels and sleep.
  • Deep breathing; This helps you reach a state of deep rest and changes how you respond to stress. Deep breathing helps your body bring more oxygen to your brain, which calms those parts that handle your ability to relax.

Connect with a Friend

Humans are social beings. Creating bonds with others significantly improves our mental health. Studies prove that having a network of close friends makes you happier, more fulfilled and less stressed in your day-to-day life. No matter the type of person you are, we all need someone to open up to from time to time. In fact, ditch social media and go grab a coffee with someone! Face-to-face interactions trigger your brain to release happy hormones and make you more relaxed.

friends bounding

Bottom Line

It’s difficult to completely filter out stress if you have a busy lifestyle. However, there are many simple methods that help you relax and enjoy every day a little bit more. Next time you’re feeling stressed, don’t hesitate to consult a diy book, go outside for fresh air or have a heart-to-heart chat with a close friend.

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