Must-Have Pet Products Every Dog Owner Should Own

portrait of beautiful girl keeping pretty white West Highland dog outdoor

What is the most popular pet product? Which accessories are of utmost importance for the well-being of dogs? As a dog owner, you need to make sure your dog has everything it needs in order to grow healthy and strong. You can’t create a comfortable and welcoming environment for your puppy if you fail to incorporate all the essential items. The list of puppy accessories is long but there are a couple that should be your priority.

A Comfortable, Water-Repellent Outdoor Bed

Outdoor beds for dogs come in many shapes and sizes. What they all have in common is the fact that they are water-repellent and designed to withstand harsh outdoor weather. Your dog needs to spend time outdoors too and it doesn’t have to be a daily walk only. By acquiring all the necessary accessories (one of which is the outdoor dog lounger), you can prolong the amount of time your dog spends out in fresh air and at the same time, you’ll make the experience comfortable for it.

The important thing in choosing an outdoor bed for your puppy is getting the materials right and picking a design that will allow your pet to relax, sleep, rest and feel cozy while doing so. One good option is an outdoor bed with a steel frame that’s raised from the ground. The raised outdoor dog lounger offers proper ventilation when the weather is too hot. Such a bed would also be very easy for you to clean since it has a very simple design. Now, about the materials. You can go for basic ones or choose antibacterial, flea-resistant breathable ones which add to the level of comfort. The choice is all yours.

If you’re more into the classic than the innovative you can get a crate outdoor pet bed that can be used both indoors and outdoors. That way you won’t have to buy two separate beds rather one that you can repurpose the way you want to. Crate outdoor dog beds have a cushion that’s orthopedic, removable and reversible. You can customize it according to the needs of your furry friend. The covers of this bed are removable as well and you can wash them in a washing machine.

Similar but different is the orthopedic pillow outside dog bed. It has the simplest design and it’s both comfortable and functional. You can place it anywhere and instantly create the perfect rest spot for your pet. These beds are especially recommended to elderly pets or ones that have suffered some kind of injury and are in the recovery phase.

Crates and Play Pens

Another useful outdoor accessory is the crate or playpen. The main role of the playpen is to keep your puppy safe while it is playing outside. By letting it play inside a playpen, you’ll be at ease and able to relax too without worrying whether or not your adventurous pup will get into trouble.

Puppy playpens are usually made from some sort of metal. These are the most durable ones and should be your first choice. There are also ones made of plastic and durable materials but considering the chewing habits of dogs, they won’t last for a long time.

The size of the playpen matter too. You don’t want your puppy to feel caged inside. Opposite of that, you want to create a cozy environment for it, where it can freely play. So, the bigger the better. Large playpens allow you to incorporate a bed inside but also food and water and provide your puppy with all the commodities it needs to relax and play.

Harness, Collar and Lead

There’s debate whether or not a collar is better than a harness and vice versa. Here’s what you need to take into consideration before you make a decision. If you have a small puppy that doesn’t have the tendency to pull or run during walks, a collar will serve you just fine. You can even choose from the smart dog collars or get a glow-in-the-dark dog collar.

But, if you have a large breed dog that’s hyperactive, you might want to consider the harness so that you prevent your dog from accidentally injuring itself while pulling the lead. Harnesses have an ergonomic design and are way more comfortable for dogs. For what is worth, you’ll have more control over your dog if you use harnesses rather than collars.

The lead can be either basic or one that automatically retracts. Again, the choice depends on the type of dog you have. It may not be a good idea to provide an overly active dog with freedom of 10+ metres.

Grooming Equipment

What all is needed for dog grooming? Combs and brushes are necessary for many reasons. With them, you can detangle the fur of your pet but also remove fleas if it has any. This is important in particular for dogs that have a lot of thick fur. But the combs and brushes will not be enough. You also need shampoos, toenail clippers, ear solutions, toothbrush and toothpaste. Grooming is important for dogs as it allows their skin to breathe and improves the quality of their fur. To prevent your dog from suffering from skin problems you need to make grooming a regular activity.

Dog-Friendly Toys

Why is it important for dogs to have toys? Dog toys are important both for entertainment and for training. Small puppies benefit a lot from soft and rubber toys as they help them strengthen their teeth. Through play, they learn new skills and put to good use their large amount of energy. Also, they become more independent and happier. Playtime and toys can prevent your dog from feeling left out and alone. You should consider leaving a toy or two when you’re not at home so that your pet can be occupied.

You can use the toys to train your puppy and help it learn tricks. But in order to do that you need to include rewards too. Dogs make associations with food and that’s the easiest way for you to teach a puppy something. Every time it does something right you should give it a reward. That way the training part will be fun both for you and your new best friend.

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