Benefits of Using Natural Makeup


We all try to eat a balanced diet, exercise and live a healthy life. And that’s great. But have you ever thought about how friendly and healthy are the products we apply to our skin, scalp or eyes? Most of these mass-produced items have tons of chemicals inside them that are harmful to us. But recently more and more people are turning towards natural makeup for eyes, shampoos, lotions, skincare products etc.

Eye Makeup


Makeup has become a big part of our lives. We use it every day, no matter if it’s a casual look for work or a full-glam look for evening events. Things started to change recently when manufacturers started making natural, organic products. An increasing number of people are using them, especially when it comes to the eye area. Nowadays you can find natural eye makeup for all skin types from many different brands.

To know which eye palette is natural and organic always look at the label. Every ingredient in the product needs to be listed on it. If you see any synthetic colourants, silicones, preservatives, lead, petrochemical derivates or synthetic fragrances don’t waste your money. These ingredients increase the chance of allergic reactions, some are suspected to be cancerogenic, prevent the skin from breathing and don’t have any nutrients in them.

Natural products contain a lot of nutrients that are very beneficial for our skin. Eye makeup is something we apply on a very sensitive area and it’s important for it to have those nutrients. Ingredients such as aloe vera, avocado and jojoba are just a few of the ones you need. They nourish the eye area and won’t cause any harm. They have anti-aging benefits. This is important because we know how self-conscious women are about the wrinkles around their eyes.

Natural products will protect the skin from the sun and harmful UV rays, especially those that contain zinc oxide. Vitamin C is another ingredient you should look for because it feeds your skin with antioxidants. Scents are also important. A lot of the mass-produced shadow palettes have artificial fragrances that can cause headaches and discomfort.

Using organic makeup prevents this from happening. If you have this problem, you’ll feel the difference after just a couple of applications. These products also prevent skin darkening. This can be a big issue for the sensitive eye area. By applying this makeup, the delicate skin around the eyes will get a nutritional boost, look and feel fresh and young and you’ll improve your overall health.

Skincare Products

Our skin is the largest breathing and living organ in our body. It absorbs around 60% of the products we apply and that goes into our bloodstream. That’s why it’s important to know what enters our bodies. So, it’s no surprise that a lot of people are starting to become aware of the possible consequences if the chemicals inside skincare products.

Plants and other natural substances are the base of organic products. More significantly, those organic ingredients are farmed without using any synthetic fertilisers, GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals. These products work better on your skin because of their antioxidant vitamins. Ingredients such as coconut oil, aloe vera, honey or shea butter will moisturise, soothe and nourish the skin gently and won’t do any harm.

Our ancestors used them as a cure and nourishment, so we know they’re very beneficial, and safe and some have healing properties. They have stood the test of time and continue to take care of us. A lot of people are guided by the phrase “If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin”. Plus, you’ll save money in the long run. Similar to natural eye makeup, these products are high-quality and very effective which means you’ll need to apply a smaller amount and get an amazing result.



Shea butter, candelilla wax, and sunflower oil are just a few examples of the plant oils, waxes, and butter that make up organic, natural lipstick. Its structure comes from the waxes, the moisturising comes from the oils and butter and the colours come from the minerals, especially the iron oxides. Other lipsticks will have some sort of fragrances, synthetic dyes or preservatives which are often considered cancerogenic.

Heavy metals are a common ingredient in lipsticks, especially lead which can be very harmful to our bodies. Natural products, on the other hand, have botanical ingredients that the body will absorb and process easily without any allergic reactions or irritations. You’ll notice that the colours these lipsticks have, look more natural, are vibrant and work well with skin tones. Plus, you’ll be kinder to our environment and contribute to the cruelty-free mission.


Just as the name says, the base of your beauty routine is the foundation. It evens out the tone of your skin, covers blemishes, and makes it easier for makeup to blend. However, using traditional foundation daily can have a harmful effect on your skin. If you want a healthier option, go with the natural option. This can be a great way to introduce your skin to new products and ingredients.

All of these products on the market share similar characteristics. They are super silky and have a smooth texture. You get a satin finish, and they feel weightless like you don’t have anything on your face. They keep the skin moisturised and nourished. Just like with other foundations, you have a big variety of tones to choose from. You get great coverage that will last throughout the whole day.



When they first appeared, mascaras were made from coal dust and petroleum jelly. They evolved and changed ingredients over time, and today we get to have natural-made mascaras that are safe for our eyes. Manufacturers use ingredients such as beeswax, sunflower oil and carnauba wax, so you can get a nourishing, water-repellent product.

The colour pigment comes from earth minerals and creates a full, long-lasting coat that makes the lashes longer and voluminous. These mascaras are suitable for people with sensitive eyes. They’re made of ingredients with low-allergen profiles. Some of them also act as growth boosters and will actually make your lashes longer and healthier.

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